On what exchange is CNH Industrial stock currently listed?
CNH stock is solely listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: CNH) as of January 2, 2024. CNH shares were previously dual listed on Euronext Milan. Click here for more information on the delisting from Milan.
Who is CNH’s transfer agent?
Computershare is our transfer agent. Please visit the Stock Information page for contact information.
When does CNH’s fiscal year end?
CNH’s fiscal year ends on December 31st.
Does CNH have a Dividend Reinvestment Program (DRIP)?
CNH does not currently have a DRIP.
When did CNH go public?
CNH Industrial is the company initially formed by the business combination transaction between Fiat Industrial and CNH Global. The company became publicly listed on September 30, 2013 on both the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in the United States and on Euronext Milan, in Italy.
When and where was CNH incorporated?
CNH Industrial N.V. was incorporated on November 23, 2012, as a public limited liability company under the laws of The Netherlands.
Where are CNH’s headquarters?
CNH’s headquarters are located at Cranes Farm Road, Basildon, Essex, SS14 3AD, United Kingdom (Main phone: +44 2079 251964).
How can I access CNH’s latest SEC filings?
View CNH’s SEC filings.
Where can I submit proxy-related questions?
Please correspond with our IR team for proxy- related inquiries at investor.relations@cnhind.com.
In what language will the proxy meeting take place?
The language of the meeting will be in English.
What is CNH’s CUSIP number?
Please visit the Stock Information page for this information.
Has CNH ever executed a stock split?
Who is CNH’s independent auditor?
CNH’s independent auditor is Deloitte.