Spotlighting World Environment Day 2024

Land degradation, desertification and drought impact our customers’ livelihoods – which, since our customers build and feed the world, means these issues confront us all. This year, the UN’s World Environment Day, June 5th, is spotlighting these three themes under the banner of ‘One Land. Our Future.’

Our great iron and tech sustainably advance farming and construction and through all our brands, Case IH, CASE Construction Equipment, New Holland and New Holland Construction, we are making a difference.

A closer look at the issues

Land degradation is the deterioration or loss of the soil’s productive capacity, and it directly affects some 3.2 billion people, or 40 per cent of the world’s population. It threatens biodiversity and disproportionately impacts those who are least equipped to cope such as rural communities and farmers.
Desertification is when fertile land becomes desert. The UN defines it as the process of land degradation in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas because of various climatic and human factors.
Drought is primarily caused by climate change and is one of the key issues impacting both livestock and arable farmers across the globe.

What we are doing?

Supporting communities

One of our long-time community partners is Slow Food, an international organization that has been championing biodiversity and the protection of good, clean and fair food for three decades. This year we worked with Slow Food Kenya and the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Italy to support 90 farmers who produce traditional varieties of mango.

Through this partnership we are providing technical training and education to improve post-harvest outcomes for farmers, thereby reducing their food loss and improving their market opportunities. In this way, we support their ongoing work to steward the land using an agroecological approach, ultimately helping to protect local biodiversity and avoiding land degradation.

Supporting No Till Planting in Brazil

Case IH Brazil has a full portfolio of planters specially developed for No Till Planting - a practice celebrating its 50th anniversary in the country this year. Our planters use discs that cut the straw remaining in the field after harvesting so seeds can then be precisely positioned in the ground. The No Till Planting process reduces soil erosion and enhances water retention while improving soil health and saving fuel, it requires less passes across the field – this equates to an estimated 56 million ton CO2 emissions reduction in Brazil alone!

More electric-powered construction equipment to reduce carbon emissions

Our CASE Construction Equipment electric-powered vehicles save up to 53 pounds of CO2 emissions per operating hour compared to their diesel counterparts, along with other benefits, such as being quieter and able to operate indoors. These advantages are driving adoption of this zero-emission technology.

Learn more about CNH’s commitment to sustainability in our latest Sustainability Report here.